Ep 23 - Is Satoshi Nakamoto the password guy?


In episode 23 of in/habitants, Helen ends the quarrel between her friends. Then Luca tells her the story of how cryptocurrency came to be. He talks about the mystery behind the creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, and how he vanished in 2008, leaving billions of dollars in crypto untouched. Before Luca can tell her more about it, Helen's alarm goes off, reminding her about her shift at the Victory. What mysteries will Luca and Eric unfold next time?


inhabitants in a world not unlike this one, the least fortunate of the population must struggle to survive. When a group of misfits come together and find they share a similar pain, they decide to combine their strengths. Using cutting edge technology, they set out to rebuild the status quo and create a new world accepting of everyone. Or at least that's what they hoped.


Ep 24 - There's so much drama


Ep 22 - He goes philosophizing about it