Ep 40 - Bellatrix Online


In episode 40 of in/habitants, Luca reflects on how having Helen on board isn’t so bad when he gets a message from someone interested in in/habitants. They hop on a call, and she tells him he has less than a minute to win her over. Stumbling over his words, he answers her questions as best as he can. After hearing him out, she ends the call without giving her verdict. Just who is she?


inhabitants in a world not unlike this one, the least fortunate of the population must struggle to survive. When a group of misfits come together and find they share a similar pain, they decide to combine their strengths. Using cutting edge technology, they set out to rebuild the status quo and create a new world accepting of everyone. Or at least that's what they hoped.


Ep 41 - She must be taking a shower too!


Ep 39 - Everything into perspective