Ep 16 - Please! Wake up!


In episode 16, we find out how the mission ended. Jonas’ friends abandon him and Helen, and they must figure out how to escape the burning lab. Helen notices all the animals trapped inside and wants to save them. Jonas tells her they don’t have time because first responders are on the way. He has a change of heart as they’re leaving and goes back to save the helpless creatures. Helen gets teary-eyed as she recounts the tale. Worried about Jonas, she asks one of the nurses what happened to him. Did he survive?


inhabitants in a world not unlike this one, the least fortunate of the population must struggle to survive. When a group of misfits come together and find they share a similar pain, they decide to combine their strengths. Using cutting edge technology, they set out to rebuild the status quo and create a new world accepting of everyone. Or at least that's what they hoped.


Ep 17 - Cuteness is your weapon


Ep 15 - Scared Newbie?